Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fool me once...

Ever since I saw it on America's Funniest Home Videos, I have wanted to put a rubberband on our kitchen sprayer so when hubby turns the sink on, he'd get completely soaked! Of course I haven't because, while I may love a good prank, other people don't and dear hubby is one of those people. So, I just fight the urge.

Looks like the sink wanted to play it's own trick on April Fool's Day though!

The sprayer decided that it didn't want to shut off! Now, I like to think of myself as a woman that's pretty handy with tools and DIY work. I figured it just had some buildup in it-- nothing that a little vinegar couldn't fix.

So, I took the nozzle off and soaked it in a bowl of vinegar. Still couldn't use the sink though because when the nozzle is off, there's nothing to push down on the sprayer hose to make water not come out of it. As usual, I kept forgetting this fact and everytime I turned the sink on, I'd get sprayed with a blast of water!

I put the nozzle back on after about an hour of soaking. Yeah...still didn't work! Needless to say...a hammer can fix anything. :)


  1. I did the whole rubber band the sprayer thing did not turn out so well since it got my daughter and she has no sense of humor at all!! Oops

  2. LOL! I think it's hilarious. Then again, I'll laugh at almost anything!!
